Wedding Planning Tips: 1 Month Before the Wedding

PlanningTipsDealing with Wedding Vendors

As your big day approaches, it's time to focus on the final details that will make your wedding day truly special. From chasing up RSVPs to booking beauty appointments, we've got you covered with our wedding planning tips for the last month before the big day.

Your big day is starting to loom large right about now and you probably have 101 things running through your head. Remember to have confidence in your planning and your wedding suppliers – everything will turn out fine! At this point if you feel you’ve forgotten anything it might be easier to just let it go and focus on the truly important stuff.

If you missed the previous instalments of our wedding planning series, catch up here…

Wedding Planning Tips: 12 Months Before the Wedding Wedding Planning Tips: 6 Months Before the Wedding Wedding Planning Tips: 3 Months Before the Wedding

Otherwise, keep reading for our wedding planning tips that will help you breeze through the final weeks with ease.

##Chase up any last-minute RSVPs

There’s always one, or two, or three to chase up! Sending your invitations digitally and using an RSVP tracker such as Say I do will make this task 10x easier. Gone are the days of manually adding everyone to a spreadsheet and RSVPS getting lost in the post. Say I do will simply flag who’s yet to confirm and you can follow up with a polite message asking them to get in touch.

##Submit final numbers to your venue / caterer

Once you’ve received all of your RSVPs and confirmed any dietary requirements it’s time to pass this information on to your venue and caterer. Your venue will need to know how many people to expect for parking / ceremony capacity and of course your wedding breakfast table plan. Whereas your caterer will need to start planning food orders, logistics and waiting on staff. Don’t forget to check whether any of your key suppliers need feeding such as your photographer, videographer and musicians. It’s a long day for them too so they’ll likely need a meal to keep them going throughout the day!

##Confirm the final order of the day

Weddings generally have a set order, starting from bridal prep to the ceremony, wedding breakfast and first dance. Your planner / venue will know how long you need to allocate for each aspect of your day and what might work well logistically. Once you have your timings confirmed don’t forget to share this information with all relevant parties such as your vendors, key members of your wedding party and each other!

##Buy wedding gifts

It’s traditional, and a lovely gesture, for the wedding couple to present gifts to their parents, the bridesmaids and best man / groomsmen and each other on the morning of the wedding. Pinterest can provide you with some great ideas for this, from personalized items to cherish forever, to accessories that can be worn with pride on the day.

##Pay your final balances to your vendors

Most wedding vendors will require a deposit to confirm a booking with instalments due along the way, usually culminating in the final balance to be paid 30 days before the event. Now is the time to settle all your outstanding payments so you can sit back and enjoy the last few weeks.

##Create a seating plan

We’ve heard many times over how the seating plan is often the hardest part of wedding planning! But don’t let that put you off. It’s also a fun way to introduce guests, for kids to make friends and to segregate the noisy ones! Again, take your planner / venue’s lead on this one – they have done this many times before, you just need to make sure the right people are in the right places.

##Book appointments such as nails, hair, eyelashes etc

Now we’re really on the straight and narrow – the final details such as beauty appointments need to be booked in at this stage. Whether you’re having your nails done professionally, or your eyelashes or a spray tan – make sure you book these up in plenty of time to avoid missing out on availability.

##Collect wedding outfits

One of the last tasks to complete before you pack your bags and head off to your venue for one of the biggest occasions of your life…eek! At this point your dress should fit you like a glove, and the suit should be pressed and looking sharp. It’s time to consider how you’re going to transport your wedding outfits to your venue and if you need a steamer etc for the finishing touches.

Well, all that’s left to do now is to wish you a wonderful wedding day! From here on in your planner / venue will guide you through the final details that are unique to you and your special day. If you’ve landed on this final piece of our wedding planning series you can look back to planning tips for the 12-month, 6-month and 3-month mark over on the blog.