Our Story
We first met in September 2014 when we moved to Sheffield for University and were placed in the same accommodation. We quickly bonded over various interests: TV shows like The Office and Parks & Recreation; our love of dogs; and £3 bottles of wine. All the ingredients for quickly becoming best friends. During our second year of University, romance blossomed and in May 2016 Peter decided to officially ask Katie to be his girlfriend and the love story began... Over the last seven years, we have created so many wonderful memories together. Highlights would include: moving to York and beginning our careers; some amazing holidays such as city breaks to Krakow, Riga & Prague; and, more recently, welcoming three beautiful nieces into our families. We are so excited to take the next step in our journey together and become Mr and Mrs Guest. We cannot wait to celebrate with you.
Thursday 1st June 2023
York Register Office
56 Bootham, York YO30 7DA, UK
11:30am - 2:00pm
Lunch Reception
The Churchill Hotel
65 Bootham, Clifton, York YO30 7DQ, UK
Party Time!
Brew York
Unit 6, Enterprise Complex, Walmgate, York YO1 9TT, UK