Wedding Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will be by the side of the bride and groom on their big day.
Our journey began as young high schoolers, and little did we know that our laughter-filled adventures would lead us here, on the brink of a beautiful wedding day. From sharing inside jokes to creating countless hilarious memories, our friendship has been an extraordinary blend of joy and silliness. As the maid of honour, I'm honored to stand by her side, ready to support and celebrate the next chapter of Emily and Sam’s love story.
Emily was my very first friend, and we did everything together. We went to kindy together, and if Emily wasn’t going, I didn’t want to go. We went through primary and intermediate together, and we remained close throughout high school and university. Emily is kind, resilient and genuine in every way. She is always someone I can talk to and she has the most loving and caring heart. She’s one in a million and I’m so grateful to have been her friend for almost 23 years!
I have known Emily for ages! We survived school together with lots of pranks and jokes. Then headed off to study at EIT together and graduated on the same day! Had a blast with many adventures, going on lots of drives, and even getting a flat tire on the motorbike. It has been a blessing to share life with Emily and most of all share our faith together in Christ.
I’m Sam’s younger brother for those who don’t know. Sam has been my number 1 buddy since day 1. We have grown up together and it has been absolutely awesome having Sam by my side and having him to look up to as I find him a great example in life. He is my forever best mate and I cherish every moment we have spent together. I also don’t think we have ever had a fight. Sam is good at all the things I don’t excel at, if I had to choose a buddy for the amazing race, it would be Sam. I think Sam is a Legend and I’m very grateful for him.
Sparked at HIBS in 2012, our friendship survived high school antics. From a Vanuatu trip that made us question our survival skills to an Aussie wedding adventure, we navigated the Duke of Edinburgh Timber Trail – complete with a gravity-defying crash that left physics baffled. Even wrong turns couldn't dampen our spirits on the Old Ghost Road, where e-bikes became glorified push scooters. During all adventures our bond remained unbreakable, proving some friendships are truly wilder than any ride.
Sam and I have been friends for the last 10 years, we met when my family moved to Wellington and our parents were good friends so naturally we started hanging out. We bonded over the years going to the same church and have become great friends due to our mutual love for Christ. I have had the blessing over the last year and a half of leading a bible study with Sam. He was a groomsman at my wedding now I have the privilege of being there for him also.