Our Story
Lee and Lacey would say they first met officially in Australia when they both set off backpacking or in Lacey’s case glampacking… (they did go to secondary school together, although Lacey will say she never saw Lee as he was always hiding out in the library🤣) They would both say they decided to go travelling to “find themselves” but ironically they found each other. The story starts, like most love stories in the 21st century with Lee sliding into Lacey’s “DMs” followed by a bit of Dutch courage at a house party in Melbourne, Victoria and they finally got to chatting. It wasn’t Lees charm that won Lacey over or his questionable floral shirts but instead it was his warmth & ability to make everyone in the room laugh that really sealed the deal. Lee will say he instantly fell for Lacey the moment he realised she was able to down a drink quicker than nearly every other person he’d met but really it was her kindness, infectious energy and natural instinct to put others before herself that made her truly stand out. And just like that they were making plans for the rest of their travels, but now together - little did they know these plans would stretch much further than their gap years. The days together rolled into weeks, months and then into years, when Lee decided to get down on one knee and ask Lacey to be his wife; her easiest YES to date. With the wedding planning, buying their first home and the biggest and best surprise of baby Terry making them a happy family of three, the last few years have been a rollercoaster - but there isn’t anyone they’d rather be on this crazy ride with. Finally the day is fast approaching where they become Mr & Mrs Clark and they’d really love to share the day with you ❤️
Saturday 8th July 2023
Guests Arrival 🌷
Ceremony 💍
Photos & Drinks 📸
Wedding Breakfast 🍽️
Toast & Speeches 🥂
Evening Guest Arrival 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻
Evening Reception 🪩
Carriages 🚖
Accommodation Information
We will be running a complimentary shuttle service from The Old Kent Barn to The Holiday Inn from 23:30. You can book The Holiday Inn online or by calling 01303 298450 and quote you are attending a wedding at The Old Kent Barn - you will be given a discounted room rate with pay on arrival and inclusive of breakfast. Below are some alternative hotel options in the area that we recommend.
Local Taxi Services
If you would like to pre-arrange your carriage home instead of using the pre-arranged shuttle service please see below a list of recommended Taxi operators. Channel Cars - 01303 252252 JJ Taxis - 01303 244 442 Premier Cars Folkestone - 01303 279 900 Folkestone taxi Co - 01303 252 000
Frequently Asked Questions
CAN I BRING A GUEST/DATE? We unfortunately cannot accommodate additional guests. Due to limited capacity, we can only allow the people named on your invitation. Your invitation will be made to “your name” + “guest” if a plus one has been given to you. ARE THE CHILDREN INVITED? Due to limited numbers, we hope you appreciate that children are only invited if named on your invitation. ARE THERE ANY COLOURS WE SHOULD AVOID WEARING? We kindly ask you avoid colours traditionally reserved for the bride - white, ivories & creams.