Our Love Story
We met in January 2017 during water sports activities and only a few days after we went on our first date to Kinn Thai followed by drinks at Pepes. After a few months dating we became official and soon after went on our first overseas holiday together. 9 months after first meeting, Michael was offered a job promotion in Queensland, so after not much discussion or thought we decided to make the move. Tegan's only condition was Daisy has to come too. It's now been 6 years since making the move, we have built our first home, started our own business, enjoyed many 4 wheeling driving adventures, camping trips, boating activities and overseas holidays. We have created a little family with our dogs, Desmond and Phlox and horse Prince.
24th February 2024
Guests arrive Bar opens and arrival beverages are served - red/ white / sparkling wine & soft drinks.
The Ceremony will be held outside in the gardens of Tumbling Waters Retreat.
5:00pm - 11:00pm
Beverages & Nibbles
Celebration beverages, roasted nuts, gourmet cheese, fruit platters and canapes served while guests mingle on the terrace over looking the ocean.
Sit Down Meal
6.30pm - Guests seated inside 6.40pm - Entrée served 7.20pm - Speeches 7.40pm - Main served, following more speeches, cut cake & dancing 8.40pm - Dessert + tea / coffee / wedding cake served
9:00pm - 11:00pm
Accommodation Options
Tumbling Waters Retreat Luxury Ocean suites - https://twr.com.au/accommodation/ Stanwell Park Beach Cottage - http://www.stanwellparkbeach.com The Tops Conference centre - https://m.thetops.com.au/ Otford Cottage Bed & Breakfast - www.otfordcottagebandb.com.au Leafy Sea Cottage - www.leafyseacottage.com.au Ocean Blue - https://oceanbluebnb.com/info/ You can also find other options using airBnB
Dress Code
The dress code for the wedding will be semi-formal - Garden/Nature Wedding Theme.
Please note, we will be having an 'unplugged' ceremony, please refrain from snapping photos during this time, however feel free to do so during reception. Please use our wedding hashtag # if you upload your photos on social media!
This is an 18+ event as the venue is not suitable for young children.
We have put together a list of questions and answers to save you time.
When do we need to RSVP by?
Please ensure you RSVP by 24th December 2023.
Is the ceremony and the reception at the same venue?
Yes, both the ceremony and the reception will be at Tumbling Waters Retreat.
What do I wear?
The dress code is semi-formal and wedding theme is Garden/Nature Theme. Examples of outfits for ladies would be dresses of any length and for men, button up shirts and trousers, no tie required. Floral /leafy pattern is preferred although not essential. The bridal party will be wearing green and white, feel free to wear these colours if in a pattern however please do not wear solid green or white (white shirt for men is fine). If you have any questions please contact Tegan. Please note, the ceremony will be taking place on the grass outside.
Will it be indoors or outdoors?
The ceremony will be held outdoors and the reception will be indoors with outdoor access and beautiful views.
What time should we arrive to the wedding?
Please arrive at 4pm, the Ceremony will commence at 4:30pm.
Is there parking available at the venue?
There is ample parking adjacent the property on the corner at the end of Stonehaven Road and Bendena Gardens. Guests can enter Tumbling Waters Retreat via the side gate where a garden path will lead your guests directly to the Bar / Venue / Ceremony area. We will be arranging a shuttle bus from Shellharbour to and from the venue with stops along the way.
Our Wishing Well
Your presence is what's most important to us, not your presents! Should you wish to honour us with a gift, we have set up a gift table, we will also have a wishing well available.