Our Love Story
Sophia and Michael met back in February 2016 after Soph walked into the Cat and Fiddle and Mike whispered sweet nothing's into her ear. Sophia was struck by Mike's humour, kindness and ability to party lol. Sophia soon fell deeply in love with Michael and it really was love at first sight. They couldn’t keep away from each other in the following weeks. Before they knew it, weeks rolled into months, then months rolled into years. In February 2020 with the help of Mrs Jinnie Quinn , Sophia proposed in a pint of Guinness on a leap year in Dublin and Mike of course said yes!
Sunday 29 October 2023
Collection @ Grand Yaziki Turban
Marmaris, Muğla, Türkiye
Pre drinks
Quum Beach
Marmaris, Muğla, Türkiye
Ceremony (on the beach)
Marmaris, Muğla, Türkiye
Reception / Party
Quum Beach
Marmaris, Muğla, Türkiye
Food Preferences
There will be a Turkish Meze served as our wedding breakfast and a separate Children's Meze if there are any food allergies, vegetarian or vegan please let us know as soon as possible. See you all soon S & M xxxx