Our Story
Yes! Its finally happening...We are getting married! We met in 2009 through a mutual friend however, it was in 2010 when we finally made it official. During this time, we shared lots of great memories together including moving to the UK in 2014 where we continued making memories, made friends for life and travelled to many different places around the world. It was finally during New Years Eve 2022 in Paris that Ronan got down on one knee and asked Selene to be his partner for life. We are enjoying planning our big day and we look forward to sharing it with you all. This day will be one for the history books for the Reilly/Smith families. As we wait for the big day to arrive, we have created this website with plenty of information to keep you up to date (and we will continue to update it as we go along, so please keep an eye on your emails). We hope to have covered everything but do contact us if you have any other questions.
16th December 2023
St Brigid’s Church
Portaliff, Killeshandra, Co. Cavan, H12 DD79, Ireland
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Drinks Reception
During this time freshly brewed tea and coffee, Baileys hot chocolate, a selection of festive canapes and some alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be served.
Slieve Russell Hotel
Cranaghan, Co. Cavan, H14 FE03, Ireland
Dinner and Speeches
Party the night away!
17th December 2023
Day Two
Finger food and music will be provided. We know there are a lot of singers amongst us so we look forward to hearing a song or two from you during this time (get those vocal chords ready).
Attire: Smart Casual
Slieve Russell Hotel
Cranaghan, Co. Cavan, H14 FE03, Ireland
Wedding Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will be by our side on the big day.
Natasha and Selene first met in nursery where Natasha dominated the sandpit, but they soon reconciled & shared many of life's biggest moments together (either in person or virtually). Natasha is a long-time friend who gives the best advice and always goes the extra mile. Selene is delighted to have Natasha by her side as her Maid of Honour.
Enda and Ronan met in school where they regularly enjoyed a round of WWE on the school bus and during lunchtime. Whilst the outcome remained in Ronan's favour, Enda has remained a very loyal person with a cheeky sense of humour and you are guaranteed that he is always up for a night out. Enda has been a huge part of Selene and Ronan's life and we are honoured that he will be joining us on the day as our Best Man.
Michaela and Selene first met in university and quickly became inseparable - bonding over their shared interest of maths, romcoms and coffee. Michaela is a thoughtful friend and a talented Irish dancer so do ask her for a dance on the night. We are delighted that she will be one of our bridesmaids.
Andrew (Andy) is one of Ronan's long-time friends. He is guaranteed to bring his witty humour on the day with a touch of sarcasm. In preparation for his own wedding, Andy has become a skilful dancer with his showpiece being the Jive, so do watch the dancefloor to learn a step or two. We are thrilled that he will be joining us on the day as one of our groomsmen.
Karen and Selene are long-term friends which was strengthened when they successfully co-captained their local GAA ladies football team. Karen is the most honest and loyal person you will meet and we are delighted that she will be joining us on the day as one of our bridesmaids.
Cyril (Mono)
Cavan's no.1 musical talent found a free weekend to step up for the big day. Cyril is Selene's brother but a great friend to Ronan. Mono is a daily caller to Ronan where he seeks advice on many aspects of life but thankfully he does not always take Ronan's advice! We are delighted that he will be joining us on the big day as one of our groomsmen.
Bronagh and Selene have the longest friendship after becoming the best of friends in primary school. They always enjoyed cycling, exploring and eating together (foodies!). At the wedding, you will find Bronagh tearing up the dance floor and getting the crowd going. It is only fitting that she will join us as a bridesmaid on our greatest adventure yet.
A miniature version of the groom, Ronan's nephew Jessy will have the key role of Page Boy on the day. Jessy is a very inquisitive young boy, so we are sure that you will all know him by the end of the day.
Ada, the newest addition to the Reilly family will be the cutest girl on the day as she takes on the role of flower girl. She has captured our hearts from the minute she was born when she officially gave Selene the title of Aunty.
Accommodation Information
Here are some options in the area that are recommended by our venue. Due to the time of year, we would recommend that you book your preferred accommodation as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Slieve Russell Hotel (Venue Location), +353 49 952 6444 or visit website below Shamrock Inn B&B, +353 77500 049 (15 min drive to venue) Lough Bawn Hotel, +353 49 433 4404 (15 min drive to venue) Lakeside Cottages, +353 49 433 4431 (15 min drive to venue) Dungimmon House, Ballyconnell +353 49 952 6479 (7 min drive to venue)
We have put together a list of questions and answers to save you time.
How do I RSVP?
Please click the RSVP button above. Please search for your name and follow the prompts. Due to the select emails being used, we would ask that the assigned person confirm acceptance to attendees within the party.
What date should I RSVP by?
Please RSVP by 4th November 2023 via the website.
What is the dress code?
Our dress code is Black Tie (Optional). For dresses, this means preferably floor length, however, formal cocktail attire may also be worn. For suits, this means a black suit (or dark suit) with a white shirt and a black bowtie. We are happy for you to dress up your suit for example, a velvet jacket for those who want to stand out! Our preference is to avoid light coloured suits, coloured shirts and no jeans or trainers please.
What time should I arrive at the church?
The ceremony will commence at 12.30 sharp (Selene is very rarely late for events...). Please arrive by 12:00 to be seated by 12:15.
Can I take photographs at the Church?
We would ask that photographs are avoided during the ceremony so you can be present with us during this special occasion. We will have photographers and videographers present during the ceremony to capture all the special moments. Please feel free to take photos and videos as you wish after the ceremony. We would love to see all the photos that you take on the day, so please share them with us.
How far is the reception from the church?
The reception venue is approx. 20 mins drive from the church (16 minutes on google maps).
How far is the ceremony from Dublin airport?
Killeshandra is a 1hr 40 minute drive from Dublin airport. We would recommend that you hire a car for the weekend however, if you plan to travel via public transport you can get the 30 or X30 Expressway Coach from Zone 12 Stop 8 outside Dublin Airport. This will bring you to Cavan Town. You would then need to arrange a taxi from Cavan Town to Killeshandra or Ballyconnel (Floods taxi +353494331172) which is a further 15-20 minute drive.
Are children invited?
We love you and your children, however, this will be an adults only event (except our nieces and nephews). We hope you will be able to enjoy a night off with us!
Is there a place to freshen up at the ceremony and reception?
Yes, both the church and the hotel have toilet facilities and/or a powder room. There should be someone in both places to direct you if needed.
If I am not staying at the hotel, can I arrange a taxi?
Yes, we would recommend that you book this in advance (Floods taxi +353494331172). This can also be done via the hotel reception.
Is there a Day Two?
We have decided to have our Day Two in the Slieve Russel Hotel. This is so everyone can enjoy the full facilities of the hotel but most importantly it will ensure that the celebrations continue.
Any other questions?
Please don't hesitate to get in contact: Selene +44776 211 1780 Ronan +44751 083 5420