Wedding Party
Meet our favourite people.
Best friend turned sister, Sarah and Jessica met while working together as flight attendants, 8 years ago. Jessica is Sarah's go to for everything in life, so naturally Jessica will be by Sarah's side as her Maid of Honour.
Sarah and Kelsey met through Gerrit, but became instant best friends. You can almost always find Kelsey and Sarah by each others side, so naturally Kelsey will be standing up there with Sarah on her wedding day.
Friends since kindergarten, Sarah and Evalyn are each others longest friendships, even living on different continents doesn't keep these 2 apart. Now Evalyn will be adding bridesmaid to the list of ways she's supported Sarah over the years.
Friends for 23 years, Sarah and Kristen were inseparable all through elementary and high school. Just like all their other big moments in life Sarah can't wait to have Kristen stand with her on her wedding day.
Kayla and Sarah have been friends since high school, and while they have popped in and out of each others lives over the years they always find themselves together again. Kayla will be by Sarah's side as a bridesmaid.
Sarah and Kandice met through Gerrit, but it didn't take long for these 2 to become friends in their own right. Kandice has always been Gerrit and Sarah's biggest supporter, even helping Gerrit pick out the perfect Christmas presents their first Christmas together. Sarah can't wait to have Kandice stand with her as she says "I do".
Sarah always wanted a sister and soon she will get the next best thing, a sister-in-law. Brigitte will be joining Sarah and Gerrit as a Bridesmaid.
Or as Gerrit's always known him "Wally". Wally and Gerrit have been friends since high school. Gerrit and Wally spent many weekends snowmobiling, going to fairs, dances, plowing matches and tractor pulls. Wally and his wife Mackenzie were Gerrit's roomies in the Ag Hall before their marriage. Wally is Gerrit's best man.
Brandon is Gerrit's oldest friend. Between the Uxbridge fair, 4H, Jr Farmers, and Brandon's time at Herralea, their friendship has always been strong and they still continue to find something to laugh about.
Ronald and Gerrit first met in the field crops 4H club at the age of 11. Since then through various other clubs, showing dairy cattle and especially their stint at Kemptville college, their friendship has been solid throughout the years because of their connection to agriculture.
Gerrit met Dan through friends in college, even though he was 2 years younger he became one of the crew quickly. Over the last decade, Dan and Gerrits friendship has continued to grow.
Cal and Gerrit's friendship has mostly revolved around the curling rink in the last few years. Showing cattle, junior farmers, snowmobiling are all things their friendship revolved around.
Mac and Gerrit have know each other since public school, but have since become close since coming home to the farm. Gerrit and Mac spend much time talking farming primarily and throwing ideas off each other. Embro Tractor Pull weekend was always a highlight for them
Mark and Gerrit have been active members of the Uxbridge fair since they we little. As years have gone on with 4H, Gerrit and Mark became closer through the crops club and regularly hung out after Marks years at Ridgetown College. Many night were spent crop touring, bowling, watching Uxbridge bruins games, and attending fall fairs to name a few
Sylvia is one of Gerrit's closest and oldest "girl friends", and has been an amazing friend to Sarah since the moment they met - Sarah and Gerrit's third date to be exact. Sarah and Gerrit are so excited Sylvia will be keeping the "show on time" as their MC.
Erik and Gerrit met at Kemptville college. After graduation, they continued their friendship through Jr farmers and have had many entertaining adventures together. Sarah can't wait to hear all the good stories Erik plans on telling about Gerrit as their MC.