Our Love Story
Lauren and Ryan Our story began in October 2020 when during a world pandemic we started to message. After a few months of being restricted to met in person we finally got our first date in January 2021 the day restrictions lifted! We made sure to make the most of it and after 10 and a half hours, two police welfare checks and another ice cream we set a second date for a few days time. Over the weeks and months to follow we continued to get to know each other and go on numerous adventures. Although Lauren was no stranger to farming, Ryan has shown her the ropes and knew if she was able to work with him even when at sheep then she could handle most things! In March 2023 Ryan got down on one knee.. Lauren said yes! We can't wait to celebrate with everyone on 28th September 2023 and start married life as Mr and Mrs Kerr.
Thursday 28th September 2023
Tartaraghan Presbyterian Church
26 Cloncarrish Rd, Craigavon BT62 1RN, UK
Lough Erne Resort
193 Lough Shore Rd, Ross Inner, Enniskillen BT93 7ED, UK
With all that we have we have been truly blessed, your presence and prayers are all that we request. But if you wish to give a gift and send us on our way, anything will be gratefully welcomed to celebrate our special day. We have a few suggestions below;