Our Love Story
Kealeboga and Neo met in the summer of 2017 at work. It was love at first sight for both of them. Kealeboga was immediately attracted to Neo’s gravitas and Neo was taken aback by Kealeboga’s beautiful smile. The two quickly became friends and started spending more and more time together. Kealeboga found comfort in Neo’s strong and dependable personality, while Neo was drawn to Kealeboga’s kind and gentle nature. As the months and years passed, their friendship grew into something more. They started to share their dreams and aspirations with each other, and soon enough, they were in love. Since then, Neo proposed to Kealeboga at home. It was a beautiful and romantic moment that neither of them would ever forget. They were both overwhelmed with joy and excitement. Since then, the two have been happily engaged and are planning their wedding. They are both looking forward to the big day and are excited to start their lives together as husband and wife.
Share your photos with us
We would love to create a beautiful collage of memories at our wedding, and we invite you to be a part of it! Feel free to capture special moments at the wedding itself and share them with us – whether it's during the event or in the days that follow. Your snapshots will add even more joy to our celebration. Let's make our wedding day a collection of love and shared memories!
360 Videos
Some of you may have not received your 360 videos from the photographer. Please see below link to all the 360 Videos. You may simply just download yours from the link below.