Our Love Story
Three years ago, at a spontaneous moment, two souls crossed paths at the local gym. Little did we know, this encounter would start Mat and Kelly's beautiful journey. From that moment, we have embarked on a remarkable adventure together that has had many ups and downs, tears, laughter, and so much love and support. We are also fortunate to have a big, beautiful, family that brings us a lot of entertainment, fits of laughter, and spurts of chaos into our lives every day. We, along with his sisters Indi, Hazel, Alex, and Lily, were so blessed with the birth of Hugo, blending our families together as one. We share a passion for the great outdoors, with hiking, camping, and travelling being our favourite pastimes. Exploring the wilderness hand in hand, we find solace in the beauty of nature and in each other's company. Our love for food and cocktails has brought us countless fun evenings and many amazing memories shared with close friends and family. We've discovered that love is also about teamwork, even in the virtual world. We've spent countless hours side by side, battling zombies in the virtual world of Call of Duty, and every victory and defeat only strengthens our connection. Even if it results in Kelly throwing the PlayStation controller at the TV. So, if anyone needs wedding gift ideas, JBHI-FI sells new controllers at reasonable prices! We can't wait to continue writing our story and look forward to sharing the rest of our lives together. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We look forward to having a drink with you all, dancing the night away and making some amazing memories together.
Timeline of Events
25th October 2024
Pre- Ceremony
Guests arrive
Attire: Dress to Impress
Sidewood Estate
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Wedding Ceremony Commences
Bride Arrives
Attire: Dress to Impress
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Cocktail Hour
Lawn games, mingle and drink our favourite cocktails!
Sidewood Estate
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Dinner and Toasts
Join us for dinner on the deck
Sidewood Estate
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Party Time!
Hit the dance floor and show us your best moves!
Sidewood Estate
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Last Drinks
Sidewood Estate
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Home Time
Sidewood Estate
6 River Rd, Hahndorf SA 5245, Australia
Accommodation Information
Here are some hotel options in the area that we recommend. Book ASAP to secure a room, as they do book out fast. Otherwise, check out Airbnb as they have some options in the area.
Child Minding Services
If you have little ones and would love the night off to really enjoy yourselves, here are some babysitter recommendations for you.
Our Wishing Well
If you were thinking of giving a gift to help us on our way, a contribution towards our wishing well would really make our day.
Please kindly respond by the end of August.
We have put together a list of questions and answers to save you time.
When do we need to RSVP by?
RSVP as soon as you can. We're knee-deep in wedding planning, and the sooner we know who's in, the smoother everything will go. Your help in making this process a breeze would mean the world to us. Thanks!
What is the dress code?
The dress code is cocktail so dress for a good time but keep it classy.
Are children allowed to attend?
Kids are more than welcome to join us for both the ceremony and reception! We just kindly request that you take responsibility for them and let us know in advance so we can ensure they have a seat and meal reserved. Additionally, we've included some child-minding suggestions for those who might want to take a break from parenting and unwind a bit. We've arranged care for Hugo so we can fully enjoy the night.
What time should we arrive for the wedding?
Please arrive at 3:30 pm. This ensures you don't miss any of the fun!
Will there be food and drinks served?
Join us for dinner and drinks on the house! We only ask that you buy your own spirits.
What should we do if we have dietary requirements?
When you RSVP, please let us know if you have any dietary requirements.