Our Story
Kayla and David met back in 2016 through work. Kayla and David became really great friends over the period of a couple of months and the more they got to know each other, the more they realised they both loved each others sense of humour, which is often dark, and each others kindness. They soon realised their personalities were more alike and over the following months/years, they couldn't keep away from each other. Before they knew it, weeks rolled into months, then months into years. In May 2018, David popped the big question... Kayla said yes! Kayla and Dave have since become parents together to a gorgeous girl, as well as becoming a beautiful blended family! Now at last they are beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before ❤️
Friday May 10th 2024
3907 Ipswich Boonah Rd, Boonah QLD 4310, Australia
The Vue
3907 Ipswich Boonah Rd, Boonah QLD 4310, Australia
Wedding Finishes
The Vue
3907 Ipswich Boonah Rd, Boonah QLD 4310, Australia
Saturday May 11th 2024
8:00am - 9:30am
Morning After Breakfast Buffet
This is an optional extra for guests and therefore will incur a cost of $25 per person.
The Vue
3907 Ipswich Boonah Rd, Boonah QLD 4310, Australia
Accommodation Information
A block of cabins have been booked for our guests at a discounted rate for both Thursday Night (9/05) and Friday night (10/05) Simply phone the venue on (07) 5463 4738 and quote Kayla and David to secure your cabin. Please also let the team know if you wish to put your name down for the morning after breakfast. Please note: there are only 14 cabins available, which can sleep 3-4 people with the options of moving beds between rooms to accomodate larger families. The cost of these cabins will not be paid for by us and will be at your expense. If all cabins are booked when you attempt to book, there is accomodation in Boonah as alternate options.
Wishing Well
Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. However, should you wish to help us celebrate with a gift, a contribution to our honeymoon would be greatly appreciated. A wishing well will be provided on the day.
Dress Code
Semi Formal/Cocktail. Dress to impress!
While all children are invited, we would appreciate a child free night, so we are all able to let our hair down for a fun evening. Please let us know with your RSVP if any kids will be attending and their ages, or if it will just be mum and dad.
Any Questons?
Please let us know if you need help with the accomodation or just any questions in general! We are happy to help. Contact Kayla on 0400 013 876 or David on 0408 733 563.
Our Wishing Well
Should you wish to honour us with a gift, we have set up a wishing well for your convenience. It allows you to contribute in a way you know will truly make our journey together special.