Our Story
We met back in October 2013 in the Strand Basement (how romantic) during a school pre-formal. Kendra attended a few ‘garage parties,’ but not enough to be put off – if you are lucky enough to remember those. Following a few encounters on various occasions and a drawn-out period of texting, we went on a mediocre first date in April 2014, which was followed by an amazing second one! We have officially been together since the 22nd of April 2014. Since then, we have grown and evolved together as a couple, creating incredible memories throughout the years with our two furry children! Jamie (finally) popped the question on the 28th of May 2021, and we have been busy planning the biggest party of our lives ever since! After 1026 days of planning, we would love you to come celebrate our love story with us!
22nd August 2024
attire: Dress to impress
Reception drinks
Call to dinner
Time to dance!
23rd August 2024
Day two BBQ!!
We are having BBQ and drinks the next day to keep the party going!
attire: Dressy/Casual
The Bridal Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will be by the side of the bride and groom on the big day.
Harry (Best Man)
Jamie’s little cousin as he likes to say anyway, but these two are more like brothers. Jamie used to get Harry into trouble but now Jamie would say it’s the other way round!
Chloe (Maid of Honour)
Kendra’s best friend since they were 12 years old. Chloe has stood by us at every stage of our relationship and has become a best friend to both of us over the years.
Derren (Groomsman)
Jamie’s brother, they always came as a duo ‘The Boys’! One always had to have what the other had. Derren will be keeping tabs on Harry during the day!
Darvin (Groomsman)
Darvin is the oldest of the three boys although he doesn’t like to hear it! Jamie & Darvin are so similar in many ways that they end up arguing about everything! Darvin has always looked out for ‘The Boys’.
Scott (Groomsman)
Scott has been around since Jamie and him were no age. Together they’re a bit like Lloyd & Harry from dumb and dumber! Jamie always says Scott is the most intelligent but stupid person he knows.
Ryan (Groomsman)
Ryan was what we would call a forced friendship at the time he was Chloe’s partner (now husband) but as the years went past Jamie & Ryan became best mates and fair to say it’s definitely not a forced friendship. Chloe always says Jamie brings the badness out of Ryan when they’re together which is just unlucky for Chloe.
Darcy (Bridesmaid)
Kendra’s wee sister and the wee sister Jamie never actually had! We have both spent the last ten years looking after and watching Darcy grow into the adult she is today. If you see her looking lost at any point, ask her about Harry Styles.
Victoria (Bridesmaid)
Kendra’s ‘big’ cousin however growing up she was more like the big sister Kendra never had. Victoria spent many a night babysitting Kendra and gave her an unhealthy obsession with ‘The Sims’.
Q & A
We have put together a few questions to save you some time
Can I bring a guest/children?
We kindly ask that only the people named on the invite attend the wedding. Due to necessity rather than choice, it is children of immediate family only. We hope you understand and enjoy your night off!
What time should I arrive?
Help us get the party started as scheduled. We kindly ask all guests to arrive at 2pm to make sure everyone is seated on time.
Where are the ceremony and reception taking place?
Both the ceremony and reception are taking place at The Rabbit Hotel.
Is parking available?
Yes, there is plenty of space to park your car directly at the venue.
Where can I stay the night?
We’d love if you stayed with us at The Rabbit Hotel, however we know this is not possible for everyone. We would highly recommend the Hilton Templepatrick which is directly across the street and only a short walk to the venue.
Is transport provided?
Unfortunately we won’t be providing any transport to or from the venue as we really hope everyone can spend the night. The venue will be able to book taxis for those who wish.
Is it okay to take pictures with our phones and cameras during the wedding?
Yes! We would love for you to take photos and share them with us. However, please refrain from taking photos during the ceremony.
The most important thing to us is that you are able to celebrate with us on our wedding day. However, if you wish to give a gift, we will gratefully accept a contribution towards our honeymoon.
Whom should I contact with questions?
Please feel free to contact us directly with any concerns or questions.
Accommodation Information
We would love for you to spend the night with us at The Rabbit Hotel & Retreat, however we understand that this won’t suit everyone. So here are some hotel options in the area that we recommend. There are also a multitude of hotels available within a 10 minute drive of The Rabbit Hotel which can be found on booking.com.