Reception to follow
Ocean View Estates
2557 Mount Mee Rd, Ocean View QLD 4521, Australia
Accommodation and transport information
Here is a hotel options in the area that we recommend. Eatons Hill Hotel 646 South Pine road, Eatons Hill QLD 4037, Australia A bus will be provided to transport guest to and from the venue. Pick Up: 12.45 PM Eatons Hill Hotel 646 South Pine road, Eatons Hill QLD 4037, Australia Drop Off: Eatons Hill Hotel 646 South Pine Road, Eatons Hill QLD 4037, Australia Should you choose to stay in Brisbane city you will easily be able to get to and from the bus pick up and drop off location to meet the bus via taxi or uber. **PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON GETTING A TAXI OR UBER TO AND FROM THE VENUE AS THEY WILL NOT SEVICE THIS FAR AND YOU WILL STRUGGLE GETTING HOME. ** If you wish to use other accommodation we recommend Brisbane City areas : - South bank - Fortitude Valley - New Farm
We kindly request no gifts for our wedding. Your journey to celebrate with us is enough of a gift.
Please don't hesitate to email us if you require any further information or accommodation advise. We can't wait to celebrate with you.