It's Party Time!
Dearest family and friends, We are so happy to be able to share Grace's 1st Birthday celebration with you all. Our daughter Grace Alisi Vilsoni was born on Thursday 02 September 2021, 11.31am, 2.89kg, 51.5cm and can you believe she's already turning 1! Come along and enjoy a fun-filled day with our little Pukpuk and family. Date: Saturday 10th September 2022 Venue: Carss Park Life Saving Hall 103 Carwar Ave, Carss Park NSW 2221 Party start time: 1:00PM Theme: Feel free to dress up in your favourite Pink & Purple attire
Party Program
Grace Alisi Vilsoni's 1st Birthday
1.00PM Welcome and Formalities Devotion Cutting of the Birthday cake Family photos with the Birthday girl Lunch 2.00PM Face painting, Games and Activities 3.00PM Kids free time at the play ground Stroll around the beautiful Carss Park 4.30PM Meet up at the Hall and Closing prayer 5.00PM Final thanks and farewell
Attire: Come in your favourite Pink & Purple attire
Carss Park Life Saving Hall
103 Carwar Ave, Carss Park NSW 2221, Australia
Carss Park Picnic Area
Parking - Parking is directly available at the front of the venue (on your right) or continue driving down Carwar Avenue to find a large parking lot (on your left) Bikes and Scooters - Bring along the kids bikes and scooters as there's a lovely trail they can ride along Playground - Carss Park has a big playground for kids young and old Swimming - There is a bay area if you would like to take a dip and change rooms close by (no shower facilities) Fishing - Fishing spots by the water if you'd like to try your luck at the catch of the day! Seaside walk - A lovely seaside walk available for those who enjoy a good stroll after lunch Picnic spots - Picnic tables and seating areas are available yet feel free to bring along your picnic chairs and a good picnic rug which comes in handy when enjoying the great outdoors Bush walking trail - For those adventurers among us Accessible bathrooms - For those who require May you all have a blessed week and we'll see you at Grace's 1st Birthday Party! Vilsoni Family Ph: 0413 921 207