Our Love Story
Our love story began way back in Grade 6 at Hillcrest Middle School in August of 1996. Shawn caught my eye on the very first day of school, and instantly, he became one of my first crushes. I even wrote about him in my diary. Little did he know, I harbored a secret crush on him back then. Shawn remembers asking me to share a few slow dances together, and he swears that if he had known about my crush, we would've dated back then! Fast forward to ten years ago, and we unexpectedly bumped into each other while out with friends at Fredericton Tannery. We were both pleasantly surprised to see each other after all those years. We started texting to catch up on each other's lives, and eventually, we began dating. For the next few years, we traveled back and forth between Fredericton and Moncton before Shawn decided to move back home to Moncton. Throughout our time together, we've enjoyed traveling to many places, especially ones near the water. We've cheered on sports games, gone on ski trips, had a magical family vacation to Disney, and spent countless hours visiting one of our favorite places - PEI. I've always been drawn to Shawn's unwavering loyalty, patience, and love for animals, while he admires my calmness, kind demeanor, and reliability. Our friends often joke that we're like two peas in a pod, and we can't help but agree. In May 2023, as we were driving back from a weekend in PEI, Shawn decided it was the perfect moment to propose. We made a stop at Murray Beach, a place we hadn't visited together yet, and there, Shawn got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course, I said YES! Now, we're happily engaged and eagerly looking forward to the next chapter of our love story. We may still be the same two people who first met in homeroom class all those years ago, but our love for each other continues to grow stronger with each passing day. We can't wait to embark on this new journey together and are thrilled to have you share in our joy and happiness on our special day!