Our Love Story
Evan and Stephanie met in January of 2023 and started communicating through an app called Higher Bond. It was clear to both of them early on that this was something special. Through the following months the Lord made it known to Evan and Stephanie that they were meant to serve him together. Getting to meet each other's family and friends continued to show how blessed this relationship was. On June 3rd, Evan got down on one knee and it was a definite yes!
Saturday December 30th 2023 -4:00pm Followed by a dinner reception
Accommodation Information
Here are some hotel options in the area that we recommend. Holiday Inn Express 1180 Wilson Dr, Greenwood, IN 46143 Hampton Inn 7045 McFarland Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46237 Courtyard Marriott 4650 Southport Crossing Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46237
Our Gift Registry
Should you wish to honor us with a gift, we are accepting monetary support that will go toward the house and for the honeymoon. You can submit money through Paypal. Send gifts to sgracem1234@gmail.com or we are registered at Amazon
Grace Baptist Church 740 W County Line Rd Indianapolis IN 46217