Our Love Story
Jordan: On the night of October 10th, 2015, I was planning on going to a rave with my friends Josh and Nicole. We went to Nicole's friend's place to pregame before the show. On the way, Nicole told me about one of the girls there: she was a sweet girl, super nice, and very close with her family. I thought to myself, "sounds like wifey material." When we showed up, I sat in the kitchen as this girl came down the stairs dressed in all white. I couldn't believe my eyes; this was the girl of my dreams and I was going to marry her. I tried not to overdo it that night, I didn't want to ruin my chances. I asked her to dance at the show and she turned me down. No matter; I would keep bugging Nicole to set us up for 40 days and 40 nights. Finally, Nicole broke the ice after I strategically placed a few emojis in Christy's Instagram comments. After playing my cards right, over 8 years later, the prophecy is coming true! We're getting married!
Wyndham Edmonton Hotel & Conference Centre 4440 Gateway Blvd. Edmonton AB T6C 5H2 For Reservations Please Call: Tel: 780-437-6010 Toll Free: 1-877-999-3223 Or Use Booking Link: https://www.wyndhamhotels.com/wyndham/edmonton-alberta/wyndham-edmonton-hotel-and-conference-centre/overview?checkInDate=07/05/2024&checkOutDate=07/07/2024&groupCode=070524WED Group Name: Steinke Roy Wedding Booking Code: 070524WED Rooms not reserved are automatically released on: June 21, 2024 After this date rooms are based on availability. Guestroom Rates: 2 Queen or King w/pullout Couch: $109 single/double occupancy Arrival: Friday, July 5, 2024 Departure: Sunday, July 7, 2024
Shuttles There will be 2 shuttles departing the Hotel at 1:45pm on July 6. Please ensure you leave yourself adequate time for parking and getting onto the bus if you choose to take it. Departures from the venue 11:00pm (first departure) 1:15am (final departure) We understand this is a long drive and want to eliminate the hassle of finding DDs so that everyone can come and celebrate with us! Vehicles if you decide to drive there is parking located upon arrival. Vehicles MUST be removed from the property by 10 am July 7
We will be having a cash bar ($5/ drink) so please plan accordingly!
Wedding Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will by the side of the bride and groom on the big day.
In Lieu of Gifts
In Lieu of gifts, please consider contributing to our Honeymoon / starting our lives together fund.
E-transfers can be made to christina.steinke@hotmail.com OR jordan_d_roy@hotmail.com
Are Kids invited? As much as we love your little ones, this will be an adults-only celebration. We hope this advance notice means you’re able to let your hair down and celebrate with us on the day! Do I get a plus one? Unfortunately, the venue has limited capacity so we are unable to offer plus ones to everyone on the guest list. We have tried to accommodate as best as possible while including everyone we love. Who can I contact with any additional questions? If you have questions please reach out to Josy Steinke, Mother of the bride at jlsteinke@outlook.com