Our Love Story
Chris and Taylah met in June 2019 after connecting on a dating app. After talking on the phone for hours on end they met each other in person and although they may be like chalk and cheese, they complement each other perfectly and haven't left each other's side since. Chris was struck by Taylah's kindness, while Taylah instantly fell for Chris' crazy sense of humor. In September 2021, after some liquid courage Chris proposed … Taylah said yes!
Saturday 20 July 2024
Please note that the ceremony will start at 4pm sharp
St Mary's by the Sea Chapel
8 Dixie St, Port Douglas QLD 4877, Australia
5:00pm - 6:30pm
Cocktail Hour
Enjoy a grazing table, live music and open bar whilst the Bride and Groom are getting photos taken!
Port Douglas Sugar Wharf (Located Directly Behind the Chapel)
6 Dixie St, Port Douglas QLD 4877, Australia
6:30pm - 10:30pm
Please join us for a banquet style dinner, open bar and plenty of dancing!
Port Douglas Sugar Wharf
6 Dixie St, Port Douglas QLD 4877, Australia
Accommodation Information
Please see below for hotels that are within a three minute walk to the venue. There are also a number of other hotels and Air BNB's in the vicinity. Please note that July is peak wedding season in Port Douglas and accommodation fills up fast! Club Tropical Resort - Minimum 3 night stay - Receive a 10% discount when using promo code SULLIVANS2024 - Bookings made at least 6 months prior also get an extra 5% off. Mantra on the Inlet - Minium 3 night stay - 15% discount is activated when five or more rooms are booked by our wedding guests. To book please contact Eddie Villarroel directly at eddie.villarroel@mantra.com.au and let him know that you are a wedding guest of Taylah Mould.
We kindy request no gifts for our wedding, your journey to celebrate with us is enough of a gift! A small box for cards will be provided on the day.
Children of all ages are welcome to both our ceremony and reception, however, please be aware that the reception is located on a wharf with large open railings.
Pre and Post Wedding Events
THE WARM UP If you have time, please join us for a meet and greet on Friday, 19 July 2024. Hemingway's Brewery Port Douglas|3-5pm Nibbles provided and drinks are available for purchase. 44 Wharf St, Port Douglas. THE COOL DOWN If you're feeling up to it, come down to Four Mile Beach on Sunday, 21 July 2024. We will be at the northern end of the beach down from The Surfy Bistro where the lifeguards are located. BBQ and nibbles provided. Corner of Esplanade & Mowbray Street, Port Douglas.
Ladies, please be mindful that the wharf has divots in the flooring that high heels may get stuck in.