By The Grace of God
C E C I L I A F R A N S Y S C A Daughter of Mr. Rudy Bachtiar & Mrs. Anih & T R I S U G I A N T O W I J A Y A Son of Mr. Sony Wijaya (Alm.) & Mrs. Vivi Maria So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:8-9
Saturday, 24th June 2023 at 11 am.
Saturday, 1st July 2023 at 7 pm.
Our Gift Registry
Dear Family & Friends, Your love, laughter and prayer is all we could wish for our special day. However, should you wish to honour us with a gift, we hope that this registry will make it more convenient for you to select something that you know we will love. BCA Cecilia Fransysca Account Number: 5875067246
Please stay safe, spread love, not germs.
In consideration for the health and safety of ours guests, we ask that you please follow the guidelines below during wedding ceremony and reception. We're asking our guest to please wear a mask. Thank you!