Our Story
As many of you know, our story started with the strum of a guitar and a little bit of luck. On the 18th November 2018, our paths crossed at a Thomas Rhett concert, at London’s Hammersmith Apollo concert venue. No one could have guessed that a shared love of country music would lead us here; promising to share a lifetime together. Despite living at opposite ends of London - Max, rooted in the North, and Naomi, happily in the South - our connection continued to strengthen, and our relationship developed, marked by many wonderful milestones. Naomi stepped into Max's world, sharing in the warmth of Friday Night Shabbat Dinners. Max ventured into Naomi's world, experiencing the magic of Christmas in Northern Ireland. Together we travelled to Israel, our first of many abroad holidays together. But life, as we all know, has a way of throwing surprises. Enter the year 2020, the era of virtual connections and lockdowns. It was a challenging time for everyone, but for us, it became clear that the little time that we were allowed to spend together was the highlight of our week. In September 2020, we decided to move in together and make a home of our own in Whetstone, London. Now, fast forward to June 3rd, 2022, a date that Max had spent months planning towards, bringing everyone in on the secret -except Naomi, of course! With the backdrop of a breathtaking sunset over Belfast Lough at the Culloden Hotel, Max popped the question, and (no surprises here) Naomi said yes! It was a moment filled with love, laughter, and tears of joy. A testament to the incredible journey we have shared so far, and a moment filled with our hopes and dreams for our future together. We can not help but feel that the last five years have been an adventure, full of many wonderful moments that have brought us to this point. And so, with love and anticipation, we look ahead to our journey together. We are so excited to share the start of this new chapter, as husband and wife with you all, and we hope you will join us as we say, "I do"!