Our Love Story
Ashlee and Jean met during the depths of Covid lockdown. Thanks to Match.com, it was a match! Ashlee was immediately struck by Jean's intelligence, generosity, kind heart, fun spirit, booming laugh and broad shoulders. From the moment Jean and Ashlee started talking, Jean was instantly mesmerized. Ashlee's beauty, radiant smile, and kind heart left a lasting impression on Jean's soul. It was a connection that promised a lifetime of love and happiness. Shortly after their first date, they became inseparable. Months later, Ashlee and Scarlet met, forging the beginning of a lifelong connection. Together their lives are filled with laughter, love, empathy and caring. Within a year, with the blessing of Scarlet, Jean proposed to Ashlee and she said, "yes!". Ashlee, Jean and Scarlet invite you to celebrate their special day.
The Event
Saturday September 30th 2023
The festivities begin
We welcome you to join us for the ceremony, to be followed by a cocktail, dinner and, of course, dancing. All events will be hosted at the same venue, Caffino Ristorante.
The ceremony, dinner reception and dancing will be held at Caffino Ristorante (1185 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario)
Wedding Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will by the side of the bride and groom on the big day.
Jean's wedding party is focused on his VIP, Scarlet, who will be Jean's best person.
Promoted from mother of the bride, Jane is Ashlee's co-maid of honour. Cheers to you, Jane!
Always looking out for her little sister who followed her everywhere, Sheryl is Ashlee's co-maid of honour.
Yup! Ashlee and Niki have been friends for that long, almost 40 years! Niki is flying in from England for the special day!
A friendship formed in the fashion industry, Jan and Ashlee's friendship is as real as it gets.
Accommodation Information
The wedding venue is in the heart of downtown Toronto in Liberty Village. There are numerous hotel options around the wedding venue that will satisfy your needs. In addition, there are also likely numerous Air BnB options. For those who are out of town and want to stay in Toronto, we encourage you to book your accommodations sooner than later.
We can’t wait to celebrate our big day with you! Your presence is more than enough, but if you’d like to give a gift we’d be overjoyed with a contribution towards our honeymoon fund.
It's a Party!
We welcome you to book your babysitter so that you can get a night off and let loose!