Why E-vites Are the Best Way to Send Your Wedding Invitations

Eco FriendlyBudget Friendly

Planning a wedding can be overwhelming, but sending out invitations doesn't have to be. Discover why e-vites are the best way to send your wedding invitations and how they can save you time, money, and stress while keeping things eco-friendly and efficient.

Whether you're a list maker, love a colour coded spreadsheet or you’re an it's-all-in-your-head kind of person, wedding invitations should be up there with one of the most important things to get ticked off when planning your big day. After all, it's making it official, it's something in writing, it's there in black and white formally inviting your nearest and dearest to share your special day. So you've done all the hard work; booked the venue, timings sorted and pleaded with the bar to stay open later than they normally would, now you've just got to communicate it all to your loved ones. If you're still undecided about going down the traditional wedding invitation route or you're considering design and send online invitations, read on for the pros of sending paperless wedding invitations, otherwise known as e-vites, including everything from having a more eco-friendly wedding to how it can benefit your tech savvy guests, whilst also saving you precious time and some of your hard earned cash. ##Save money with digital wedding invitations There's no denying receiving traditional wedding invitations in the post is dreamy, however paper invitations come with their baggage, and a potentially hefty price tag too. Not only do you need to consider the cost of the invites themselves but printing costs and postage also need to be factored into your budget. The joy of sending digital invitations can really help keep your spend down for the save the date wedding invitations element of your wedding day. There are loads of great websites out there which can help you create an incredibly professional looking invite, some of which, such as Say I do, even offer the service for free! ##Sending e-invites will help you save time Regardless if you've got the luxury of time to plan your wedding or you want to get married within a few months, traditional wedding stationery comes with loads of decisions you may not have even thought about. What colour paper shall we go for? What weight of paper? What font? What envelopes? Which supplier? The list goes on. The great news is, electronic wedding invitations can be created pretty damn quickly with many suppliers offering free templates so you can ensure you don't miss any important information. In fact, depending how decisive you are you could get your e-invite designed, delivered AND receive an RSVP back in the very same day! Now that's efficiency! ##You'll reduce your wedding carbon footprint by sending digital invitations We're all wanting to do our bit to be more eco-friendly so why can't you make your wedding environmentally friendly too? A really good place to start is with your wedding invitations. If you think about it with traditional invites there's the printing, the postage, and the RSVP back to you all clocking up those carbon emissions. But if you send digital wedding invitations you're saving all that energy - there really is nothing more eco-friendly than online wedding invitations. ##E-vites won't get lost or damaged in the post There are some things in life that cannot be completely guaranteed. It's impossible to predict if you opt for a traditional invitation that it won't end up getting lost or damaged in the post. There are horror stories of couples that get their own invitations sent back to them, to put it mildly, a bit well-loved and frayed. If you opt for an electronic invitation instead, you can eliminate the risk of this altogether. Online wedding invitations also mean your friends and family can't lose the all important details for your special day. They simply need to search their inbox and head to your wedding website for all the info! ##Updates guests if things change Plans can (and probably will) change but with paperless post this isn't such a big deal. Another great thing about sending a digital invitation is that it can lead your guests to your very own fully customisable wedding website, just like Say I do. The more helpful information you can give your guests the better; provide local hotel options, maps, gift lists - all of which add to making a great guest experience and build excitement before the big day. ##RSVP at the click of a button Wedding e-invites allow your guests to respond to your invite with one simple click. More often than not, when you receive traditional printed invitations it's easy to pop it on the fridge or in a safe place and forget all about sending the RSVP card. It's also super easy to misplace those tiny wedding RSVP cards altogether. More often than not you'll need to follow up with those guests which adds to time and stress. Paperless wedding invites don't completely do away with the occasional need to send a gentle nudge, but they do make it a little bit simpler to do so. Some platforms give you the clever tool of RSVP tracking which enables you to easily track responses, follow up with late guests, and keep everyone’s details together in one place. Through a Say I do wedding website you can even send group updates to your entire guest list, create a custom RSVP form, and track responses for other wedding events like your stag and hen do and rehearsal dinner. Simple!