What is an Unplugged Ceremony, and Should I Have One?

By Ryan

Beginners GuideWedding Website

Step into a world where love takes center stage, surrounded by beaming faces instead of screens. An unplugged ceremony offers a moment of pure connection at one of life's biggest events - your wedding day.

Wedding ceremonies have changed hugely in the last few years. Yes, there are some tropes and traditions that remain the same; the giving away of the bride, the legal vows binding you as a couple and the exchanging of rings. But there are many other ways in which this historic gesture of love and partnership has evolved and moved with the times; the inclusion of modern readings, raps and poems, the fact that you can include your own personalised vows to each other and the benefits of technology. It’s fair to say we use our phones for basically everything these days. It’s our calendar, our bank, and our means of socialising and communicating with, well, everyone! Some might say we’re spending too much time on our phones, relying too heavily on it and not engaging with the world around us (that’s another article entirely!).

This might go some way in explaining the rise in popularity of unplugged ceremonies though. An unplugged ceremony is where you ask your guests to turn off all mobile phones, iPads, cameras etc. Basically no electronics, which in turn means no distractions. Leaving just you and them, fully present in one of the biggest events of your life.

You may wonder why you’d have to stipulate something so simple to your guests? We often hear from photographers and celebrants who have had a beautiful ceremony interrupted by a WhatsApp notification, or a shot ruined by a guest stepping into the aisle to get their own ‘shot’. And just imagine walking down the aisle as beaming newlyweds to be faced with a sea of phones pointing at you instead of the joyous smiling faces of your loved ones…exactly. Please don’t assume that your guests will naturally put their tech to one side, because it’s likely they won’t!

If you’re starting to think that having an unplugged ceremony might be right for you then it’s a good idea to let your guests know beforehand and remind them again before the ceremony begins. Initially you could tell your guests via a note on your wedding website, or on their wedding invitation. Let’s be honest we all need a little reminder now and again, so why not create a custom sign in your wedding colours and / or pop a note on the order of service. You could even request that your celebrant reiterate the message when they perform the introduction to your ceremony.

Here is a fun but firm way to include the request within your wedding signage…

Welcome to our unplugged ceremony.

We have waited a long time to celebrate this moment with you, our favourite people. Please turn off and put away your phones, we just want to see your happy faces. Our amazing photographer will be capturing the entire ceremony and we promise to share the photos!

Your guests should absolutely respect your wishes, and not only will you all benefit from a much more memorable experience of the day, we can guarantee your photographer and celebrant will thank you too. It’s win-win all round.