5 Things to Consider Before Picking Your Wedding Date

By Ryan


Setting the date for your wedding may sound easy, but before you dive into planning, there are a few key factors to consider. From the venue and time of year to your VIP guests and special dates, we've got you covered with these 5 things to ponder before picking your wedding date.

Setting the date for your wedding may sound easy (and exciting!) but there are few things to consider before signing on the dotted line. It's best to acknowledge these 5 factors asap - before launching into full-on wedding planning. It would be awful to feel regretful and could be much more difficult to alter plans later down the line.

1. Your Venue

Your venue is the biggest piece of your wedding jigsaw puzzle so you can expect it to have a pretty big say in when you can get married. They might only host one wedding a week / weekend and if they're an established venue then they may get booked up in advance. Couples are always surprised how quickly things move in the wedding world so if you are hoping to get wed within the next 12 months, it's time to get your skates on and check availability.

Another thing to consider when selecting your venue is whether they have different hire prices depending on the time of year. If your budget can't quite stretch to peak season you may decide a midweek or low season wedding is fine. But before you compromise, look at the reasons why you love that particular venue so much. Is it because of the beautiful sprawling gardens, or the unique glamping accommodation? If so, these can only really be utilised in fair, warm weather so that could immediately narrow your date options.

2. Time of Year / Weather

We all know that it's just as likely to rain in the summer in the UK as it is in the winter so while the weather shouldn't dictate your choice too much, it's certainly a factor and one to carefully consider. If you have older relatives or lots of children coming to the wedding, perhaps it would be best not to host your wedding in the height of summer? The reality of a hot, sticky, sweaty day isn't as glamorous as you first think!

If you've always had your heart set on a Halloween / Christmas / holiday wedding then of course this is going to guide your wedding date choice. It's also way better for the environment if you decide to embrace the season you're getting married in. Reflect this through your choice of food, flowers etc, and chances are you will be able to source these items much more locally, cut down on transport costs, and ultimately reduce carbon emissions.

3. Your VIPs

Who are your must-have guests? If you have a handful of family members and best friends that you really can't imagine doing this big life event without then check in with them beforehand to confirm they can make it!

4. Planning Time

Consider how much time you really have to organise a wedding. If you're making plans around a big move or maybe a pregnancy, it's best to be realistic about how much time you have available and how much time you actually need. Some couples plan their wedding in two years, some in two months so consider what your end goal is and how much time you need to make it happen.

5. Special Dates

When we say 'special' dates, this could actually relate to a number of different things. Firstly, dates that are special to you. Your anniversary, your birthday, your parent's wedding anniversary etc. You might want your big day to coincide with one of these and if that's the case then you have a pretty narrow window to aim for.

Secondly, it can be easy to get distracted by the date that you really really want but don't forget to do your research to see if it coincides with any other significant dates. Is there a big birthday coming up? Or maybe the World Cup? Study major holidays, religious holidays, and local events. Always ask your venue if they know of anything noteworthy happening on your proposed date -- you probably wouldn't want your wedding to get caught up in the local beer festival...or would you?!