Our Love Story
It was autumn of 2018 and Ana Maria was working at a restaurant when she caught the eye of a handsome man sitting at the bar. His name was Patana and he was there to have a few drinks with his friends. Ana Maria was immediately attracted to Patana's simplicity and his good looks. Patana, on the other hand, was taken with Ana Maria's beauty and her kind heart. The two kept running into each other at the restaurant and eventually started talking more and more. They got to know each other better and eventually started going out on dates. The relationship quickly blossomed and soon enough they were inseparable. They took a road trip through Ontario in July 2022 and Patana, who had been too nervous to propose at the beach, finally got the courage to do at his home in Laval after the trip. Ana Maria, of course, said yes and the two are now happily engaged. They are so in love and more than ready to start the next chapter of their lives together.
Friday January 5th 2024
Attire: Tropical chic (Men in white guayabera)
6:00pm - 3:00am
La reserva
calle 9 # 114 frente EPSA Ciudad jardín, La Finca, Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Accommodation Information
We are staying at the Faranda by Radisson Hotel Here are some other hotel options in the area that we recommend: The Intercontinental The NH Cali Royal The Dann Carlton For safety reasons we do recommend you stay in a hotel but if you decide to stay in an Airbnb here are the best neighberhoods to stay in: Granada Ciudad Jardin Los Cristales In case of doubt please message me