Our Story
Amelia & William began talking back in 2008, William had added Amelia on Facebook thinking that she was very pretty (Not realizing that he just added his future wife). Time went by Amelia and William messaged each other and spoke on the phone everyday becoming good friends in a short period of time. 2009 comes around, Amelia and William decide to finally meet up at a basketball court in Clifford Park with a mutual friend named Robert (William cut his finger open on the metal basketball net trying to impress Amelia and had to go to the hospital for stitches). William lived close to where Amelia's grandparents lived so Amelia would visit from lachine and would ask William to meet her half way between his house and Amelia's grandparents to see if he was a gentleman (and of course he was). He eventually asked her out a week or so after attending a Halloween party together, and they became a couple. Fast forward through 2009 to 2021 when William finally got the courage to propose; yes 12 years later Amelia said YES! Here we are now getting the opportunity to plan and share this special day with you all!