Our Love Story
Jessica and Kody met back in December 2012 after a little push from their mutual friends. The two became 'official' four months later, at the infamous sporty. Since then, the two have created many treasured memories. From bar hopping around Melbourne in their early twenties, to travelling around the state for each yearly anniversary, to dancing barefoot at music festivals, to building a humble home in Warragul, to running marathons and kicking life goals, to travelling overseas and house sitting their way across Canada for six months - they have built a life of love and adventure. In April last year, in the middle of frozen Lake Louise, Kody got down on one knee… Jess said yes!
Guests to arrive by 4:00pm Ceremony to commence at 4:30pm Drinks and nibbles from 5:30pm Dinner to be served at 7:30pm Followed by drinks and dancing
We have organised beer, wine, cider soft drink, tea and coffee for our guests. However, if you'd like to bring your own spirits, we ask that you only bring cans - no glass.
Accommodation Information
Here are some hotel options in the area that we recommend: Neerim South Hotel 5628 1431 Neerim Country Cottages 5628 4451 Mercure Hotel Warragul 5618 3500
Camping Information
If you'd like to celebrate the night away with us, there will be space for you to set up camp. BYO tent/swag or book a glamping tent through our website: If you'd like to set up your own camp, we ask that you do so the day prior. We will be on the property all day to show you were to set up. Contact Jess 0488774384 - Friday 6th
There will be parking available for guests. As the property is on a farm, parking will be in a paddock. Please be mindful of your vehicle's ability to access the parking. If you require a lift for later in the evening, we have organised buses to do lifts into Neerim South and Warragul. The buses will only be stopping in the two towns. These busses will run inbetween 11:30pm-12:00am and 1:30am-2:00am. There is limited seating on these buses, a seat is not guaranteed. We ask that you be organised.
Our Wishing Well
Your presence is the best present of all! However, should you wish to honour us with a gift, we have set up a wishing well.
RSVP by October 7th, 2024.
If you wish to join us in more celebrations, we will be having recovery drinks and lunch from 12:30pm at: Robin Hood Hotel, 655 Princes Way, Drouin West VIC 3818