Saturday 1st February 2025
2:00pm - 2:45pm
Great Fosters
Stroude Rd, United Kingdom
6:30pm - 11:30pm
Great Fosters
Stroude Rd, United Kingdom
Sunday 2nd February 2025
11:00am - 2:00pm
We will be having a leisurely brunch/lunch at the dining hall the day after, everyone is invited - come and enjoy a bit of music, a bit of food, and maybe even a bit of alcohol :)
Great Fosters
Stroude Rd, United Kingdom
Staying the Night
The very friendly people at Great Fosters has been kind enough to put rooms aside for us. There is a total of 40 rooms available but they must be booked 3 months prior. Please book early and mention that you are part of the Vannessa & Joe wedding
Your Presence is Gift Enough
They have their dishes and towels for two, They have pots and pans and oven mitts too. So what do you get for the bride & groom whose house is setup in every room? Their house needs repairs and some upgrades too, But you can not register for carpet and glue. A tree that grows wishes is the way to go, so lets make it easy for all that know. An envelope will be provided for those who have room, To give a monetary wish to the bride and groom. A money tree will be on display at the reception hall to attach your wishes, for the couple, with love from all.