Our Love Story
In fair Varadero, where we lay our scene in 2015, both Matt and Sandra decided to go on Reading Week trips with their respective friend groups. Sandra first noticed Matt on the plane, where he kept turning around to yell stuff to his friends who were sitting beside her. Little did she know, the "annoying plane guy" would not only end up at the same resort, but also her across the hall neighbour. After meeting and chatting with each others friends all week, Matt and Sandra officially met on the last night of the trip when Matt came up while Sandra was talking to his friend. A group of people at the resort decided to start a pyramid out of beer cups, and Sandra convinced Matt (who hated beer at the time) that they absolutely had to participate. That night they met a very drunk guy who told them that one day they would get married and they had to invite him. If only we could find a way to get in touch with him to let him know. After tons of drinks, laughing, and chatting all evening, they parted ways. The two friend groups ran into each other at the airport, and Matt and Sandra briefly chatted before boarding the plane. As fate would have it, it turned out that Sandra's seat was behind Matt's on the plane. Once at baggage claim, Matt asked for Sandra's Snapchat, followed by her number a few days later. After a few months of texting and Facetiming, they went for their first date and they have been besties ever since. Matt had always wanted to propose in Poland because he knew it was Sandra's favourite place. In August 2022, Matt and Sandra went on a trip to Poland with Sandra's family. After a few days of sightseeing, they went to Zakopane and everyone went to the mountain Kasprowy Wierch. After taking a lot of photos, they climbed a bit further up the mountain, and Matt asked Sandra's sister to take a photo of them. Sandra almost tripped when trying to pose for the photo and when she turned around, Matt was down on one knee. After a cute little speech and some tears, Matt asked her to "be his best friend forever" and she said yes and now here we are! "When you're a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates. My kids are gonna be right about that." — Pam Beesly
Saturday 23rd September 2023
Barbecue Bash -Jack and Jill to Celebrate Sandra and Matthew
Join us in celebrating Sandra and Matthew as they prepare to tie the knot! Drinks, food, games, and more! Tickets are $20 per person and will go towards supporting the couple on their big day. Purchase of a ticket automatically enters you with a chance to win one of our many fabulous door prizes!
attire: Casual
4683 Zachary Cres, Orillia, ON L3V 6H7, Canada
Saturday 25th November 2023
12:30pm - 1:30pm
Wedding Ceremony
St. Maximilian Kolbe
4260 Cawthra Rd, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1V8, Canada
5:30pm - 2:00am
Wedding Reception
attire: Formal/Evening Wear
Millennium Gardens
20 Polonia Ave, Brampton, ON L6Y 0K9, Canada
Accommodation Information
If you require accommodations for after the reception, we have booked a block of rooms at the Courtyard Marriott. Please see the link below to book a room at a special discounted rate. If you require accommodations for Friday, November 24th and Saturday, November 25th please use the following link: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1696014753373&key=GRP&app=resvlink If you'd prefer to call the hotel to reserve, please call 1-866-239-3202 and quote "Sandra's wedding". Please email us if you have any questions!
Wedding Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will be by the side of the bride and groom on their big day.
Mitchell Horn
Richard Zhou
Daniel McCooeye
Holden Neal
Eric Johnson
Ian Bell
Sam Wesolowska
Bianca Boutros
Paulina Cias
Evelin Rejman
Jessika Jose
Karina Berdusco
Our Gift Registry
Should you wish to honour us with a gift, we hope that this registry will make it more convenient for you to select something that you know we will love.
Wedding F.A.Qs
We have put together a list of questions and answers to save you time.
What is the dress code?
We can’t wait to dance the night away with all of our favourite people. Dress to impress in your best formal/evening attire!
When is the RSVP deadline?
The favour of a reply is kindly requested by November 8th, 2023.
Do you recommend any hotels nearby?
We have booked a block of rooms at a nearby Courtyard by Marriott at a special discounted rate. Please see above to book a room. If anyone requires this rate for two nights ( November 24th and 25th) please email us and we will let the hotel know so that you may take advantage of the discounted rate. The hotel will hold the block of rooms until October 25th, 2023.
Is there an open bar?
DUH, the drinks are on us! The hangover will only last a day, but the memories will last forever!
What should we do if we have dietary requirements?
There will be a spot to let us know when you RSVP. Please place any dietary restrictions there and we will let the venue know.
Will there be transportation?
We will be providing a complimentary shuttle to and from the venue space. Please indicate on your RSVP if you would like this service so that we may provide numbers to the transportation company.
Is there parking?
There is lots of free parking outside of both St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish and Millennium Gardens for your convenience.
Can I bring a date?
Our wedding is strictly RSVP only and we will only be able to accommodate those listed on your invitation due to capacity restrictions of the venue space.
What should we do if we can't make it?
We will miss you! We understand that some may not be able to attend and we kindly ask that you RSVP "no" so that we can plan accordingly.
Who should we contact if we have any questions.
If you have any questions please email us at matthewandsandra2023@gmail.com.