Our Story
Our story goes back to 2017 where we met going to the same class at the gym, however we never spoke to each other - mainly due to Caryn's shyness! After a few weeks of getting to know each other, Sam plucked up the courage to ask Caryn out to dinner. We quickly realised we both shared a love of fitness, country music (yes, don't judge!) and of course food! We moved in together at the beginning of lock down and grew even closer. While exploring the beautiful city of Copenhagen for Caryn's birthday in November 2022, Sam got down on one knee and proposed. It was a magical moment that we will always cherish. As we embark on this new chapter of our lives together, we are excited to celebrate our love and commitment with our family and friends. We hope that you will join us on this special day as we exchange our vows and begin our journey as husband and wife.
Wedding Playlist
It didn't take long for us to discover our mutual love for country music. To reflect our journey we have curated a playlist for this special occasion featuring the songs that have accompanied us since the start of our relationship. While some of these songs reflect our own connection, they also resonate with our relationships with friends and family. Make It A Good One by Brothers Osborne will be our final song of the night and included on the playlist link below. We ask that guests listen to the song so we can end the night on a high! "If you're gonna pour one, make it a strong one Give all your heart to someone Leave nothing unsaid or undone Life goes by ninety miles a minute If you blink once, you might just miss it"
Our Gift Registry
Your presence at our wedding is a cherished gift in itself! Should you wish to further commemorate our special day, we kindly request monetary contributions to help create a home filled with love and laughter & towards our honeymoon, on which we plan on going to Finland. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are sincerely appreciated.
Some Questions and Answers
We have put together a list of questions and answers to save you time.
1. What is the dress code? Formal wedding attire
2. What time shall I order a taxi? Last orders are at 12:45 am & get your drinks in for our final dance shortly after. The venue advised taxi's from 1 am.
3. How far is the venue from Glasgow? Glasgow city center is around 25-30 minutes in a taxi. There is also Hillfoot Train Station a short walk from the venue with connections to Queen Street & Central Station.
4. Are the wedding ceremony and the reception at the same venue? Yes! They are both at Boclair House Hotel in Bearsden, Glasgow.
5. Is there available parking? Yes, there's free parking at the venue.
6. Do you have a wedding itinerary? Yes, when you RSVP the ceremony and/or evening times will show.
Contact Information
If you have any further questions, please let us know! Sam - 07789 486 141 Caryn - 07903 368 277