Our Story
Our love story started on January 7, 2020. That was the day we met and our first time hanging out. We didn't call it a date because neither of us were looking for a relationship. We were just two neighbors having dinner together. Even though neither of us were initially looking for a mate, we later confessed that, from day 1, we both thought the other was really something special and imagined a life together. Little did we know that hanging out, and having dinner that night would be the start of a beautiful journey together. We have spent every day together in person or virtually since that day. Before we knew it, weeks rolled into months, then months into years. On January 29, 2023, while on our first cruise together, he said, "Will you marry me"? and she said "Yes"!
Saturday June 22, 2024
Wedding Ceremony and Reception
The wedding will begin at 6 pm. Immediately following, will be cocktail hour. Then the reception. All will be on the 8th floor of the Four Seasons Hotel.
Attire: Semi-Formal
Wedding Party
Meet the family and friends who will be standing beside the bride and groom on the big day.
Valerie - Matron of Honor
Valerie is Sharonda's matchmaking friend, who made a great match. She introduced Shane and Sharonda. The rest is history.
Katrina - Bridesmaid
Sharonda's friend, Katrina is the most fun, kind and real person you will ever meet.
Kimberly - Bridesmaid
Shane's sister, and the "free spirit with a wild heart".
Amara - Flower Girl
1² - Amara is Shane's first grandchild. Amara's mom is Shane's first child. Have your cameras ready. She's a cutie!
Shane Jr. - Best Man
Not just Shane's only son, but also a pretty good man in his own right.
Nolan - Groomsman
Nolan and Shane are truck drivers whose paths happened to cross on the road. They have been connected ever since.
Terrance - Groomsman
Shane and Terrance have been friends since grade school. Oh, the experiences they have shared.
Bryce - Ring Security
Bryce is Shane's nephew. He will safely deliver the wedding rings to the altar.
Accommodation Information
The wedding and reception are going to be at The Four Seasons Hotel-St. Louis. Of course, there are many good hotels in St. Louis and you can choose any of them. Here are a few hotels that are within feet of the Four Seasons that we recommend.
Our Gift Registry
Like most couples our age, we are surrounded by 2 of all the household treasures anyone could ever want or need. Your presence at our wedding is the best gift we could receive. However, if you wish to honor us with a gift, we would be grateful for monetary contributions toward the purchase of our first home together.
Behind-the-Scene Videos
Get ready to peek behind the magical curtain leading up to the big day! These gems will make you smile, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear or two. Enjoy!
The Tasting
Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions.
What are the parking rates at the Four Seasons Hotel?
Self parking at the Four Seasons for the event is complimentary. Valet parking at the Four Seasons for the event is $15.75/car. Overnight self parking at the neighboring casino is complimentary. Overnight valet parking at the Four Seasons is $51.45/car.
What are the parking rates in downtown St. Louis?
Other than the aforementioned rates, there is no free parking in downtown St. Louis. For out-of-town guests staying and parking at a different hotel, be sure to ask your hotel about their parking rates.
Can I bring my children and/or a friend?
Not this time. The wedding and reception are for invited guests only.
What are the wedding colors?
The wedding will be decorated with Burgundy and Sage. We're not asking you to wear these colors, but you are free to, if you like.
What if I'm running late?
Do your best to be early. We plan to start the wedding on time.
How can I see the wedding pictures after the wedding?
We are going to post our wedding pictures right here on this site. So check back about 8 weeks after the wedding to see our wedding pictures. We will also post some pictures on Facebook and Instagram.
Stay in Touch
We are looking forward to sharing our special day with you. This site will be the place for the most up-to-date information about our wedding. Check back periodically for updates. If you need any additional information feel free to call, text or email us. Sharonda (314) 732-3232 IAmTheSharonda@gmail.com Shane (661) 860-2524 ShaneKBarnard@gmail.com